The Dangers of Nitrous Oxide: How Galaxy Gas Fuels the Problem

Image of a Galaxy Gas canister

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas,” has been misused for recreational purposes for decades. Originally intended for medical and culinary uses, this gas has become a substance of concern, particularly with the rise of companies like Galaxy Gas. While nitrous oxide is typically used as a propellant in products like whipped cream, the recent introduction of larger, flavored canisters by Galaxy Gas has raised alarm. It seems that Galaxy Gas took a page directly from Big Tobacco’s playbook, using marketing tactics and product designs that appeal to a younger audience.

Schlesinger Law Offices is actively working to expose and hold accountable companies like Galaxy Gas for their role in encouraging the misuse of nitrous oxide. Inhalation of nitrous oxide without medical supervision has led to serious health risks, including neurological damage and fatal accidents. This article explores the troubling ways in which Galaxy Gas, through its marketing and distribution strategies, has made it easier than ever for individuals to misuse nitrous oxide, and how Schlesinger Law Offices can help those affected by its dangers.

Galaxy Gas: More Than Just a Propellant Provider

Galaxy Gas presents its product as a simple whipped cream propellant, yet their approach to marketing raises serious questions about their true intentions. If the product is truly meant for culinary purposes, then:

  1. Why did they sell this product in head and smoke shops?
  2. Why produce canisters in vibrant, eye-catching colors?
  3. Why offer flavor options that appeal to younger users, such as Mango Smoothie and Fruit Punch?

By positioning their product in places where recreational drug paraphernalia is often sold, Galaxy Gas appears to be promoting nitrous oxide not as a culinary tool but as a recreational substance. This marketing strategy mirrors that of Big Tobacco, which has historically targeted young consumers through flavored products and advertising in non-traditional venues.

The Public Health Risks of Nitrous Oxide Inhalation

Recreational inhalation of nitrous oxide carries significant health risks. Short-term effects can include dizziness, headaches, impaired judgment and unconsciousness. These impaired states can lead to dangerous behavior and serious accidents. When used frequently, nitrous oxide has the potential to cause neurological damage due resulting in nerve damage, including numbness, tingling, and in severe cases, paralysis.

Medical professionals have sounded the alarm about the rise in nitrous oxide misuse, particularly among young people. Recent articles in medical journals and reports from emergency rooms have documented an increase in neurological injuries linked to recreational inhalation of nitrous oxide. The introduction of Galaxy Gas products, with their large canisters and appealing flavors, only exacerbates this growing health crisis.

Galaxy Gas and Legal Ramifications

A Missouri jury found that these company’s distribution methods and marketing tactics willfully encouraging misuse of their products. In St. Louis, a wrongful death lawsuit resulted in a $745 million award to the family of a victim killed in a car crash caused by a driver who had inhaled nitrous oxide purchased from a head shop. The manufacturer was found to have exploited the market for their product by selling it to retailers with no reason to carry food-related items. The lead attorney on the case said, this is not a case about a kid misusing a product, it’s about a corporation intentionally distributing its products to places where they know it will be misused.

Exploiting Loopholes and Encouraging Misuse

Nitrous oxide has been legally available for purchase as a propellant in culinary applications for years, but its misuse has grown into a significant public health concern. The difference now is that nitrous oxide companies are making the product far more accessible and easier to misuse. Traditional whipped cream chargers, known as whippits, are small and typically hold 8 grams of gas. However, Galaxy Gas offered  canisters as large as 1100 grams, allowing for a deadly number of inhalations from a single container.

The company claims these larger canisters are intended solely for culinary use, yet the facts suggest otherwise. Their distribution through smoke shops, combined with flavors like “Strawberry Cream” and “Vanilla Cupcake,” demonstrates a deliberate effort to encourage misuse of the product.

Furthermore, Galaxy Gas’s prevalence on social media platforms, where young people are highly active, significantly increases the potential for abuse. According to the United Nations’ 2023 World Drug Report, nitrous oxide misuse has been on the rise since 2017.  Forbes Magazine, reports that around 13 million Americans aged 12 or older have misused nitrous oxide. Even more alarming, is that a 2022 report revealed that 70% of those who misused the substance were between the ages of 16 and 24. Videos showcasing young people inhaling Galaxy Gas have gone viral on platforms like TikTok and X, reinforcing the notion that this product is used for more than just culinary purposes.

Mimicking Big Tobacco’s Playbook

Galaxy Gas’s marketing strategy seems to mimic Big Tobacco’s paln. By using bright, playful packaging and distributing their product in places frequented by younger people, they have created a brand that is both appealing and readily accessible to those who are most likely to misuse nitrous oxide. Additionally, the introduction of flavored options such as “Mango Smoothie” and “Watermelon Lemonade” mimics tactics previously employed by vaping companies like Juul, who used flavored e-cigarettes to attract a younger demographic.

This is a clear example of a company exploiting loopholes in existing laws and regulations. While nitrous oxide can legally be sold as a propellant, Galaxy Gas’s packaging, flavors, and marketing tactics indicate a deliberate effort to market the product for recreational inhalation.

The Need for Stronger Regulations and Awareness

The case of Galaxy Gas highlights a critical need for stronger regulations surrounding the sale and marketing of nitrous oxide products. Some states, like New York, have already passed laws to restrict the sale of nitrous oxide chargers to individuals over the age of 21. Unfortunately, these statewide measures do not address the issue of online purchases.

Lawmakers and public health officials must take action to limit the availability of nitrous oxide products that are designed to appeal to young people. This includes restricting sales through venues like head shops and prohibiting deceptive marketing tactics. At the same time, there needs to be an awareness campaign about the dangers of nitrous oxide misuse. Many young people are unaware of the potential for addiction, long-term health consequences, and accidents associated with inhaling nitrous oxide.

How Schlesinger Law Offices Can Help

If you or a loved one has experienced health problems, addiction, or injuries due to the recreational use of nitrous oxide, particularly from products like those sold by Galaxy Gas, Schlesinger Law Offices is here to help. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to holding companies accountable when their products are marketed or distributed in ways that encourage misuse, putting public safety at risk.

At Schlesinger Law Offices, we understand the complexities surrounding cases of nitrous oxide misuse. We have the resources to investigate these cases thoroughly, identify negligent practices by manufacturers and retailers, and pursue justice for the harm caused. Whether your case involves physical injuries, neurological damage, or even wrongful death due to recreational nitrous oxide use, our team is committed to fighting for the compensation you deserve.

Our firm has a proven track record of taking on corporations that prioritize profits over public safety. We will work tirelessly to build a compelling case, gather evidence of negligence, and demonstrate how these companies have failed to protect consumers from the dangers of their products. If you or someone you know has suffered because of nitrous oxide misuse, don’t hesitate to contact Schlesinger Law Offices for a free consultation. We are here to guide you through the legal process and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.

Conclusion: Profits Over Public Safety

Galaxy Gas has positioned itself as a key player in the nitrous oxide market, but their marketing practices and distribution channels suggest that their products are intended for more than just whipping cream. By taking a page directly from Big Tobacco’s playbook, they have created an environment where young people are enticed to misuse a product that can have serious health consequences. From selling colorful, oversized canisters to introducing flavors that appeal to a younger demographic, Galaxy Gas has crossed the line from providing a culinary product to exploiting a dangerous market for profit.

The health risks associated with nitrous oxide inhalation are real and growing, and companies like Galaxy Gas should be held accountable for their role in this crisis. It is time for stronger regulations, increased public awareness, and a concerted effort to limit the availability of nitrous oxide products that are clearly designed to encourage misuse. Until then, the problem will continue to escalate, leaving more individuals at risk of addiction, injury, and even death.