Birth Injury Attorney
Fort Lauderdale Maternal Infection Attorney
Providing Compassionate Counsel for Your Family
As an expecting mother, you likely have a multitude of concerns already as you prepare to introduce your new family member to the world. You might be wondering if you are eating the right things if your baby will be healthy, what name to choose, and what gender your baby will be. The worries are endless and, among them, is the impact an infection can have on your unborn child.
Representation Backed by Decades of Experience
While in your womb, your baby gets everything from you, including nutrition, shelter, and even illnesses you might have. If you are expecting, it is important for your doctor to monitor your health and for you to be open and honest if you are experiencing any symptoms.
If your treating physician failed to diagnose or properly treat an infection that caused injury to your newborn, you may have the right to file a birth injury claim.
Contact a Fort Lauderdale birth injury lawyer from Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. to learn more about your rights.

OUR Birth Injury results
$32.8 Million
An unborn baby was in distress with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. His doctor and hospital medical team ignored signals and tests, which ultimately resulted in severe brain damage including cerebral palsy, spastic legs and arms, mental retardation, kidney failure and other conditions.
$32.8 Million
An expectant mother went into the hospital with complications. Attending physicians did not properly communicate with each other, leading to the baby being born under duress with a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.
$32.8 Million
A Palm Beach County jury has awarded $4 million on behalf of a child suffering from severe mental retardation that the family blamed on a delayed delivery in a West Palm Beach hospital more than 11 years ago.
Dedicated Ft. Lauderdale Trial Attorneys Fighting for Justice
If your child suffered any of the following injuries, medical negligence may have been to blame. Still, you may have trouble uncovering the truth on your own—many doctors do not want to admit to doing anything wrong. At Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A, in South Florida, we will help you find the truth. We will also make sure that, if negligence exists, the at-fault medical provider answers for their wrongful actions.
Infections That Can Impact a Pregnancy Include:
- Chickenpox: Most of us are familiar with chickenpox and while it is generally not considered to be a serious condition, it can pose a severe risk to an unborn baby. If your unborn child is exposed to chickenpox, he or she can develop congenital varicella syndrome, which can cause serious birth defects, including malformed limbs and intellectual disabilities.
- Syphilis: When a mother-to-be has syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection, she risks having a miscarriage or stillbirth. If the baby survives, he or she might have skin lesions or rashes, nasal secretions, or even anemia.
- Group B Strep: At least 30% of people carry this infection and many never exhibit signs or symptoms. It typically does not affect the pregnancy, but if it does infect the baby, this will occur during labor. A baby infected with group strep B might suffer from pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis.
- Hepatitis C: This condition infects the liver and many who are infected are often unaware of it. If you have hepatitis C, you can pass this infection to your unborn baby
- Genital Herpes: This is an incredibly dangerous infection for a newborn baby. If you have genital herpes, a C-section should be performed to reduce the risk of passing it to your child.
Contact Our Experienced South Florida Birth Injury Team
Bringing a new life into this world is an exciting experience. Unfortunately, the joy of this moment can easily be ruined if you receive substandard care that puts you or your baby at risk. At Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A., we are dedicated to assisting those who have experienced injury or even the loss of a loved one due to the negligence of others.