About Us

A 70 Year Tradition of Providing Legal Service in South Florida

The overriding goal of our practice is to see that those harmed by the conduct of large corporations are fairly compensated for their losses. In the process, however, we trust that our work will continue to do more than exact retribution. Our Fort Lauderdale personal injury firm hopes to encourage greater responsibility on the part of major corporations and improve product safety within every industry that has an impact on the quality of our lives.

What Sets Us Apart: We don’t settle for less than fair compensation for the damages suffered and for the harm that has been done.

We have a national reputation for consistently standing up to the limitless resources of corporations. Time and time again, we have used our own resources to seek out expert testimony, meet the challenges of appeal and secure a fair judgement on behalf of our clients.

Although justice is the right of every individual, more often than not, justice is something you must fight for, and ultimately justice depends on the quality of the law firm you choose to represent you. This is what sets our South Florida law firm apart from so many firms and individual lawyers working in our areas of practice.