Attorney Gdanski Published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research

As noted public health advocates and long-time challengers of the tobacco industry, our team at Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A., has spearheaded the national conversation on both traditional cigarettes and e-cigs like Juul. Adding to that conversation is the voice of our skilled trial attorney Jonathan Gdanski, who recently co-authored a groundbreaking article on the role of Health Warning Labels (HWLs) in the tobacco industry.

The article, titled “Assumption of Risk and the Role of Health Warnings Labels in the United States,” was published in peer-reviewed academic journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research on May 25, 2019. By providing a clear historical context for how Big Tobacco has manipulated the language of HWLs, this article aims to inform those juries and judges who play a crucial role in resolving tobacco litigation.

Ultimately, Attorney Gdanski and the other authors found that the cigarette industry – and its attorneys – have been actively manipulating the language of mandated consumer warnings. Focusing their legal and advertising efforts on the role of the smoker, these companies have taken great pains to avoid meeting their ethical responsibility to consumers – and accounting for the harm cigarettes have caused in modern American society.

Pushing for Change through Tobacco Litigation

On behalf of our entire team at Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A., we’d like to congratulate Attorney Gdanski on this significant achievement. We hope that this article will add a new dimension to jury guidance in future tobacco cases, ensuring that careless companies are held fully accountable.

Because our firm has spent more than 70 years standing up to negligent companies, many of them in the tobacco industry, our Fort Lauderdale attorneys can help you navigate even the most complex personal injury claims. Seeking out expert testimony and relying on our vast legal knowledge base, we can serve as passionate advocates for your cause.

Call (954) 467-8800 today for a free consultation with Attorney Gdanski and the rest of our skilled tobacco litigation team!