DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System Lawyer
DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System Lawsuit
Fight with Fort Lauderdale Dangerous Medical Device Attorneys
DePuy’s acetabular cup has been on the market for five years. Over the course of these five years, there were many complaints and reports of failures of the device. The FDA granted the ASR approval because DePuy claimed the ASR had enough similarity to other devices it had manufactured previously.
However, the complaints and reports that followed the use of the ASR have shown this not to be the case. Unfortunately, because of the clearance that the ASR device received from the FDA, DePuy did not need to subject this device to extensive testing or trials to ensure that it was safe and effective. After five years of reports of failure, DePuy officially recalled the ASR XL Acetabular system on August 26, 2010. The DePuy recall is estimated to affect more than 90,000 people.
Fighting for Full & Fair Compensation
Anyone who has had a hip replacement with DePuy ASR XL Acetabular system should know there has been a DePuy recalled hip implant because of negative side effects. At Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A., our firm is dedicated to helping those who have been injured by this device recover the compensation they need and deserve. We are backed by over six decades of experience and have the resources of an established firm. Over the years, we have secured millions in successful verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients.

OUR results
$60 Million
The firm obtained a $60,000,000.00 verdict against General Motors after the vehicle the McGee family was driving was engulfed in flames due to a fuel-fed fire, and Shane McGee was tragically burned to death. Gregg helped litigate the matter and prepare it for trial.
$37 Million
Jury verdict for the family of our client, who died of lung cancer after a lifetime of smoking R.J. Reynolds and Philip Morris cigarettes.
$20 Million
Attorneys Scott Schlesinger and Jonathan Gdanski recently secured a $20 million jury verdict for Herbert Landi, the widower of a woman who died of lung cancer in 1999 caused by smoking cigarettes.
Representation Backed by Decades of Experience
Risks of the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System
One of the effects of the DePuy hip implant has been the release of cobalt and chrome ions from the metallic parts of the implant. The release of these ions has caused cysts to form on the nearby bone. These cysts prevent the growth of healthy bone into the DePuy hip implant. Unlike some other implants, in addition to DePuy’s own earlier devices, this DePuy implant is not held in place by screws or bone cement. Instead, it relies on the growth of bone to keep the implant in place. When there is no bone in-growth, the DePuy hip implant cannot stay in place. When it loosens, the person who received the DePuy implant will have to have revision surgery in order to replace the implant.
Complications of Revision Surgery
The DePuy recalled hip implant has the potential to cause distress to many patients who received this implant for hip replacement surgery. This is mainly because these patients will now need to undergo yet another intensive surgery in order to fix the mobility and pain issues caused by their degraded or degenerated hips, which the DePuy hip implant failed to remedy. This major surgical procedure often requires a long recovery and rehabilitation period and carries certain risks.
These Risks and Complications Can Include the Following:
- Cutting of the sciatic nerve
- Damage to the blood vessels
- Infections
- Blood clots
- Urinary infections due to catheter insertion
- Excessive bleeding
- Sores from remaining immobile for an extended period of time
The long recovery period may result in lost wages and pain and suffering as a result. These lost wages may be recoverable in a lawsuit, in addition to the medical expenses that the patients have had to pay in order to have these necessary revision surgeries.
Pursue Compensation with Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A.!
Have you or a loved one been injured by the DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System? You could be eligible to pursue compensation. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our skilled team of Fort Lauderdale dangerous medical device attorneys. Over the years, we’ve recovered millions on behalf of our clients, including several record-setting verdicts against large corporations. We can put decades of experience and extensive resources to work on your behalf. We are available 24/7 to take your calls and offer free case evaluations to help you get started on your pursuit of just compensation.