Rideshare vs. Non-Rideshare Liability

Rideshare services have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and affordability. In 2020, 4.98 billion trips were taken through Uber, a decrease from 6.9 billion trips in 2019.

With the number of rides in the billions, rideshare accidents are becoming all too common. While an accident in an Uber or Lyft may seem like a typical car accident, there are some critical ways in which they differ: namely, liability.

Seeing the Differences

Rideshare accidents are unique in a few different ways. For one, there is often confusion about who is liable in the case of an accident. Unlike a traditional car accident, where the driver is typically responsible, rideshare accidents may involve multiple parties, including the rideshare company and the driver.

There is also often confusion about insurance coverage. Rideshare companies typically carry commercial insurance policies that cover their drivers, but these policies may have different coverage limits than a personal auto insurance policy. As a result, it is important to understand the insurance coverage that applies in the event of a rideshare


Florida Minimum Insurance Requirements

According to Florida’s Financial Responsibility Laws, each passenger car driver must have specific insurance coverage for their registered vehicles. This insurance is designed to protect both the driver and other individuals in the event of an accident. The minimum level of coverage includes property damage liability and personal injury protection (PIP).

  • Property Damage Liability – $10,000 minimum coverage.
    • Property damage liability is a type of insurance coverage that helps to protect the policyholder from financial losses if they damage someone else’s property. This can include damage to buildings, vehicles, or other types of personal property.
  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – $10,000 coverage (no minimum or maximum.)
    • Personal injury protection (PIP) is insurance coverage that helps pay for medical expenses and lost wages if you are injured in a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. PIP coverage is typically required in “no-fault” states (like Florida). Your own insurance company will pay for your damages up to a specific limit, even if another driver caused the accident.

Rideshare Insurance Coverage

While rideshare companies have put in place numerous policies and requirements for their drivers in an attempt to ensure the safest trips, accidents can still happen. Per a bill approved by former governor Rick Scott, rideshare companies must still provide certain insurance requirements for their drivers. These requirements protect drivers and other injured persons if the driver is involved in an accident during a trip or just logged into the application software.

  • Personal Injury Protection (PIP) – $10,000 minimum, whether logged in or during a trip.
  • Bodily Injury Liability – $50,000/$100,000 minimum while logged in. $1,000,000 minimum during a trip.
  • Property Damage Liability – $25,000 minimum while logged in. $1,000,000 minimum during a trip.

Additionally, a rideshare driver who is not logged in must maintain the standard Florida minimum insurance required, as stated in the previous section. These figures are all important to be aware of because they affect the amount of damages you may be able to receive. If a driver is not logged in, the claim can be treated as a typical car accident. On the other hand, if a driver is logged into the application or in the middle of a trip, the insurance coverage significantly increases.

Fort Lauderdale Rideshare Accident Attorneys

When you’ve been involved in an accident while using a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft, it can be challenging to know where to turn for help. The experienced rideshare accident attorneys at Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. can provide the legal guidance you need to get the compensation you deserve. We understand the unique challenges that rideshare accident victims face, and we’re here to help you navigate the complex legal process.

If you have been involved in a rideshare accident, contact us today at (954) 467-8800 or fill out our form online for a free initial consultation.