The Dark Side of Acadia Healthcare

Patient at psychiatric hospital

Unlawful Detention of Patients for Profit

Acadia Healthcare, one of America’s largest chains of psychiatric hospitals, has seen remarkable financial success in recent years, driven largely by the Affordable Care Act that required insurers to cover mental health. The company’s revenue has soared, and its stock price has more than doubled. However, a recent investigation by The New York Times has unveiled a disturbing reality behind this success: Acadia has allegedly engaged in practices that involve luring patients into its facilities and holding them against their will, even when such detention was not medically necessary. This article will summarize the findings of the investigation and discuss what the personal injury lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices can do for individuals who have suffered similar treatment.

Acadia’s Disturbing Practices

The NYT investigation found that in at least 12 of the 19 states where Acadia operates, patients, employees, and even police officers have raised concerns about the company’s practices. Reports indicate that Acadia has been detaining patients in ways that violate the law, often holding them against their will under the guise of medical necessity. In many cases, patients sought routine mental health care, only to find themselves locked in Acadia facilities without a legitimate reason for their detention.

For example, a social worker in Florida was held for six days after seeking an adjustment to her medications, and a woman in Indiana was detained for seven days after visiting an Acadia facility for therapy. In Georgia, police officers raided an Acadia hospital and found that 16 patients had been kept there “with no excuses or valid reason.” These individuals were held under laws meant for those posing an imminent threat to themselves or others, but records and interviews suggest that none of these patients met the legal standard for such detention.  If you have experienced a similar event in the last two years, contact Schlesinger Law offices and let our experienced personal injury lawyers evaluate your case.

Financial Motivation Behind Patient Detention

According to more than 50 current and former Acadia executives and staff members, the company often holds patients not for medical reasons but for financial gain. Acadia, which charges $2,200 per day for some patients, has been accused of employing various strategies to extend patients’ stays, thereby maximizing the revenue generated from insurance companies. These tactics include exaggerating patients’ symptoms, adjusting medication dosages to justify longer stays, and arguing that patients are not well enough to leave because they did not finish a meal.

In many cases, Acadia holds patients until their insurance runs out, unless the patients or their families hire lawyers to intervene. This practice has resulted in significant psychological distress for many individuals, some of whom have been subjected to unsanitary conditions, inadequate therapy, and even assaults during their stay in Acadia facilities.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

The practices described above raise serious legal and ethical concerns. Most doctors agree that involuntary detention can be necessary in cases where patients pose a danger to themselves or others. However, the decision to detain someone should be based on medical necessity, not financial incentives. Acadia’s alleged practices not only violate patients’ civil rights but also undermine the integrity of the mental health care system.

The use of Acadia assessors in emergency rooms, who are supposed to be objective in determining whether patients need to be hospitalized, has also come under scrutiny. Several former assessors have reported that they were pressured by Acadia to recommend that patients be sent to Acadia facilities, even when other hospitals might have been more appropriate. This pressure to fill beds further erodes the trust that patients and their families place in the health care system.

The Role of Schlesinger Law Offices

For individuals who have been unlawfully detained by Acadia or have suffered mistreatment in its facilities, legal recourse is available. The personal injury lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices are dedicated to holding negligent health care providers accountable and securing just compensation for their clients. If you or a loved one has been subjected to illegal detention, inadequate care, or abuse at an Acadia facility, Schlesinger Law Offices can help you navigate the complex legal landscape and fight for your rights.

What Schlesinger Law Offices Can Do for You

  1. Legal Consultation and Case Evaluation: The first step in seeking justice is to understand your legal options. The experienced attorneys at Schlesinger Law Offices offer free consultations to evaluate your case and determine whether you have a claim against Acadia. They will carefully review the details of your experience, including medical records, witness statements, and any other relevant evidence, to build a strong case on your behalf.
  2. Filing a Lawsuit: If you have been unlawfully detained or mistreated by Acadia, Schlesinger Law Offices can file a lawsuit against the company on your behalf. This lawsuit may seek compensation for a range of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and pain and suffering. The goal is to hold Acadia accountable for its actions and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.
  3. Negotiating Settlements: In some cases, it may be possible to reach a settlement with Acadia without going to trial. The lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices are skilled negotiators who will work to secure a fair settlement that compensates you for your suffering. However, they will not hesitate to take your case to court if Acadia refuses to offer a reasonable settlement.
  4. Advocating for Systemic Change: Beyond securing compensation for individual clients, Schlesinger Law Offices is committed to advocating for systemic change in the mental health care industry. By holding companies like Acadia accountable for their actions, they aim to prevent similar abuses from occurring in the future and to improve the quality of care provided to vulnerable patients.


The New York Times investigation into Acadia Healthcare has shed light on troubling practices that prioritize financial gain over patient well-being. By detaining patients against their will and subjecting them to inadequate care, Acadia has violated the trust that patients place in their health care providers. If you or a loved one has been affected by these negligent practices in the last two years, the personal injury lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices are here to help. With their expertise and dedication, they will fight to ensure that justice is served and that you receive the compensation you deserve.