Sweet Poison: Navigating the Contaminated Applesauce Recall and Protecting Your Child’s Health with the Product Liability Lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices

Applesauce Recall Attorneys

Imagine reaching for a pouch of applesauce, a seemingly healthy snack for your child, only to discover it could be laced with harmful toxins. This unsettling reality became the plight of families across the country after a 2023 recall of several brands of cinnamon applesauce fruit pouches due to elevated levels of lead. This article aims to inform parents and caregivers about the issue, its potential health impacts, and why seeking medical and legal counsel is essential in the event of exposure.

Overview of the Issue

In November 2023, the FDA issued a public health alert regarding multiple brands of cinnamon applesauce fruit pouches, including products from WanaBana, Schnucks, and Weis. These products were recalled due to the detection of elevated levels of lead, a toxic metal that can have serious health consequences, particularly in children.

Health Risks of Lead Exposure

Long-term exposure to lead is highly toxic because it accumulates in the body. In children, even low levels of lead exposure, in time, can result in serious health problems, including developmental delays, learning difficulties, irritability, and weight loss. Short-term exposure to lead can cause headaches, abdominal pain, vomiting, and anemia. In particular children ages six and under are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of lead as they are experiencing critical neurological and physical development. Due to these risks, the FDA advises parents and caregivers not to buy, eat, or feed the recalled products to children. Furthermore, you should immediately consult your healthcare provider for a blood test if any exposure is suspected.

Scope of the Problem

The FDA’s investigation found extremely high concentrations of lead in multiple lots of the WanaBana cinnamon applesauce fruit pouches including certain lot numbers of private label brands under the names of Schnucks and Weis. The issue extends nationally, with these products sold through various retailers, including Amazon and Dollar Tree. As of January 2024, the FDA has received 87 reports of health issues potentially linked to these recalled products. As the FDA continues its investigation, it is crucial for consumers to stay informed and take the necessary precautions to protect their health and the health of their children.

Pursuing Justice and Compensation Schlesinger Law Offices

Victims of product contamination, especially children, may face long-term health consequences and incur huge medical expenses. The product liability lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices can help you in obtaining compensation for medical costs, therapy, pain and suffering, and all other expenses caused by these contaminated products. The lawyers at Schlesinger Law Offices are especially suited to handle all aspects of your case so you can concentrate on recovery.

We Have Expertise in Product Liability Law

Product liability law is complex, and cases involving contaminated food products require specialized knowledge and expertise. The product liability attorneys at Schlesinger Law Offices will build a team of experts who can easily navigate these complexities, ensuring that those affected recover the compensation they deserve. Visit our Results page to see a list of the multi-million dollar victories that we secured for our clients.


The discovery of elevated lead levels in children’s applesauce products is a serious public health concern. It underscores the importance of vigilant food safety practices and the need for immediate action when such issues arise. For those affected, seeking legal counsel from experienced product liability lawyers like those at Schlesinger Law Offices can be a vital step in mitigating the harm caused and pursuing the compensation you are entitled to.