JUUL Injunction Filed by Parents Seeking to Ban Sales After Their Child Became Addicted

On July 24, Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. filed an injunction against JUUL Labs on behalf of a married couple whose minor child became addicted to the e-cigarettes and suffered negative health consequences. Although many are under the mistaken impression that e-cigarettes are less harmful than conventional tobacco products, research shows differently. While the JUUL has claimed their product is less harmful and addictive than conventional cigarettes, studies reveal that one JUUL cartridge contains more nicotine than an entire pack of cigarettes. What is even more alarming is the fact that JUUL did not disclose this fact, and intentionally and sneakily sought out a young demographic in order to gain short- and long-term profits and create lifelong nicotine addicts.

It has been statistically proven that JUUL attracts a younger demographic, and this has been by design. They have used social media campaigns, clever packaging (the e-cigarettes closely resemble a USB pen drive), and they come in enticing flavors like mango and crème. JUUL controls as much as 80% of the e-cigarette market, and although JUUL Labs, the defendants of this injunction, claim their products are only intended for adult use, the skyrocketing rates among teenagers tells a different story.

The fact that tobacco companies try to create brand loyalty and attract youthful users is nothing new, but many believe Juul’s campaign to attract youngsters was particularly nefarious and deceptive, as they lied about its addictiveness. According to research, JUUL has been shown to immediately expose the body to serious health hazards, and the brain, cardiovascular, and neurological systems are all affected – sometimes permanently so. Health officials call JUUL usage amount children a national epidemic, caused by one of the most highly addictive legal substances available today: nicotine. JUUL is not only more appealing to children than cigarettes, it is engineered to be more addictive, too. As a matter of fact, cigarette smoking among U.S. adolescents has steadily declined in recent years, while vaping has become exponentially more popular. From just 2017 to 2018, there were 1.5 million more youth e-cigarette users – a one-year 78% increase among high school students, and 48% among middle school students.

Was Your Child Injured by Juul? Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. Can Help.

If your child has become addicted to JUUL e-cigarettes or has suffered negative health consequences from JUUL use, our law firm can help. We have filed numerous injunctions against JUUL for specifically marketing their e-cigarette products to children and failing to warn consumers of the health hazards of e-cigarette use. If your child became addicted to these JUUL e-cigarettes, contact our firm for a free, no-obligation case consultation today.

Learn more about your legal options to fight back against Juul. Call (954) 467-8800 today to arrange a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys. We are here to help.

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