Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. Placed in CVN’s Top 10 Verdicts of 2019

Courtroom View Network (CVN) provides access to some of the most important civil justice trials in the United States. In naming Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. on their list of the Top 10 Most Impressive Plaintiff Verdicts of 2019, CVN has acknowledged the history-making role that our $157 million tobacco verdict played in Florida late last year.

Ranked #3 on the CVN list, our November 2019 verdict in Caprio v. Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds was the largest “Engle progeny” tobacco award in all of 2019, and it included over $148 million in punitive damages against tobacco industry titans Phillip Morris and RJ Reynolds.

Aside from the groundbreaking amount for punitive damages, this case was unique because it involved the rights of a same-sex surviving spouse in Florida, as the CVN noted. By showing how our client was entitled to damages for the premature loss of his husband to lung cancer, Attorneys Scott Schlesinger and Steven Hammer successfully convinced the jury to do the right thing in this critical case.

On behalf of our entire firm, we’d like to congratulate Attorneys Schlesinger and Hammer for this important victory, and for earning a spot on CVN’s Top 10 Verdicts of 2019.

Contact Our Award-Winning Tobacco Litigation Team Today

For years, tobacco companies like Phillip Morris refused to share vital information about the risks of smoking, actively marketing cigarettes to teenagers and young adults in the hopes of creating nicotine addiction. These deceptive marketing strategies and false representations caused millions Americans to suffer from lasting addiction issues, as well as lung cancer, emphysema, and other life-threatening respiratory illnesses.

As seasoned tobacco litigation attorneys, our team at Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. can help you bring a wrongful death or personal injury claim against the companies responsible for this catastrophe. As we’ve proved time and again, we’re never afraid to take on Big Tobacco – and secure maximum compensation for our clients.

Call our team today at (954) 467-8800 for your free consultation.