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New Study Finds Higher Levels of Nicotine in Rats Exposed to Juul Than Those Exposed To Cigarettes

As the popularity of electronic cigarettes continues to rise, more and more studies seek to discover just how dangerous these devices truly are. In a recent study conducted by the division of Cardiology, the Cardiovascular Research Institute, the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, and the University of California, San Francisco, new evidence may show that e-cigarettes contain more nicotine than traditional cigarettes.

E-cigarettes first hit the market amid a flood of advertisements proclaiming e-cigs were safer alternatives to traditional smoking, but new research suggests that the use of Juul, one of the most popular e-cigarette brands, may result in a higher exposure to nicotine. To learn more about the study and its potential impact on e-cigarette users, read the findings in our blog:

Understanding the E-Cigarette Trend

The use of e-cigarettes, or “vaping,” as it is commonly called, has become increasingly popular in the past decade, especially among younger consumers. E-cig companies have been under scrutiny for allegedly marketing to teens and young adults, who face a higher risk of developing the more serious side effects associated with vaping. Although vaping was introduced as a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, several studies have since proven otherwise.

About the Study

In late August, 2019, Matthew Springer, along with his colleagues, Poonam Rao, and Jiangtao Liu, released the results of their new study, “JUUL and Combusted Cigarettes Comparably Impair Endothelial Function.” In this study, they found that the aerosol, or smoke, from Juul e-cigarettes impaired the endothelial function, which is integral in heart and blood vessel performance. In fact, the percentage of impairment ranged from 34% to 58% in the test subjects. Of the e-cigarette and traditional cigarettes tested, the highest concentration of nicotine exposure came from that of Juul products.

Although the study has not yet been peer-reviewed, it is important to note that these findings can potentially aid the FDA as the administration continues to monitor the potential danger posed by e-cigarettes.

Do You Have a Case?

If you or someone you love suffered ill effects after using Juul e-cigarettes, our firm may be able to help. At Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A., our experienced attorneys have ample experience handling e-cigarette injury claims, and we understand the unique factors at play in these types of cases. If your teenager became addicted, or if you were harmed by Juul e-cig use, we want to help you seek justice and compensation from the liable parties.

Ready to get started? Contact Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. to discuss your case with our attorneys.

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