What is No-Fault Car Insurance?

If you have been injured in a car accident in Florida, you may be wondering what your options are for receiving compensation. Unlike many other states, Florida requires all drivers to have a type of insurance called “personal injury protection” (PIP) insurance, also known as “no-fault” insurance. This blog post will explain what no-fault insurance is and how it works. We will also discuss how an injured driver may be able to seek further compensation for their injuries.

Explaining No-Fault Insurance

In Florida, all drivers are required to carry $10,000 in PIP coverage. Regardless of who was at fault, PIP coverage will pay for:

  • 80 percent of the policyholder’s medical expenses.
  • 70 percent of the policyholder’s lost wages.
  • $5,000 in funeral and burial expenses in the event the policyholder dies.

In other words, even if you caused the accident, your PIP coverage will still pay for a portion of your medical bills and lost wages (up to $10,000).

What if I Have More Than $10,000 in Medical Expenses?

If the cost of your medical treatment exceeds $10,000 or you cannot return to work because of your injuries, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver to recover additional compensation. However, in order for you to do this, one of the following must apply:

  • You must have suffered a permanent injury; OR
  • Your medical expenses must exceed $10,000;

If the at-fault party has bodily injury liability coverage, you may be able to file a claim with their insurance company up to the limit of that coverage. If the at-fault party does not have insurance, or if their coverage is insufficient to cover your damages, you may be able to file a claim with your own uninsured motorist coverage (that is, if you opted-in). In either case, it is essential to speak with an experienced car accident attorney who can help you understand your rights and options.

Seeking the Help of an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, having PIP insurance can help take some of the financial burdens off of your shoulders. However, sometimes PIP coverage isn’t enough to cover all of the costs associated with an accident. If this is the case, you may be able to seek further compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal options and get the compensation you deserve.

If you were injured in a car accident in Ft. Lauderdale, call Schlesinger Law Offices, P.A. today at (954) 467-8800 or fill out our form online.